Chrome also now allows you to download files to your device rather than your storage card. Now you can handle which app will open a given link. So now you can decide whether Meridian or Winamp will play your mp3s. Chrome has also increased support for proxy browsing. It can now use the system proxy settings from Android OS settings.
Chrome will be available in 31 different languages. It has now support for CTL (complex text layout) and RTL (right to left layout) for better rendering of pages in foreign languages. Chrome for android now will support country specific search engines for better search results.
There are a few changes for developers to. Now developers can track users using a User-Agent for Chrome for Android. Developers will be able to track down whether chrome was running on a tablet or a phone. The user agent will also supply the information about the device.Click here to know more.
You can download Chrome for Android Beta from Google Play by clicking this link.